When is the right time to rebrand? Top 3 Reasons — Branding and Web Design by Magnolia Creative Studio

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When is the right time to rebrand?

If you are reading this, then you have wondered if now is the right time to rebrand your business? You'd be surprised!

There are several moments through your business journey that are the "perfect" time to rebrand. I say "perfect" because, in reality, there's never the perfect moment where everything is 100%, life just doesn’t work that way BUT there are certainly seasons through our lives that are ideal for change.

To help give you some clarity, here are a number of situations that I and past clients have found are ideal to go through the rebranding process:

You are getting divorced

This one's a doozy! Divorce can be a turning point for any human. As painful as it is, there's a process of figuring things out, learning about our failings, and or weaknesses, that allows us to come out seeing life in a different way and sometimes rediscovering our true selves.

It gives you an opportunity to rise like the Phoenix, right from the ashes, and reinvent yourself.

Changing your niche 

Maybe you began as a wedding photographer but now you feel like focusing on families or maternity only is more enjoyable (8 hours wedding plus editing is not easy) or vice versa! Maybe is the way around, but whatever the direction, refocusing your brand to target a particular audience will be necessary at some point.

Higher price point 

When we own a business we understand that a business has to evolve, and sometimes that means charging more for your services. The first thing that comes to mind when we begin to wonder about increasing our prices is “Are people willing to hire me at this rate?” Let me first say that, YES, they will. Second, your skills and hours you put into your work are valuable so you do need to charge accordingly. 

There might be several reasons as to why your prices are going up. For example: 

  1. You have decided you want to shoot higher budget weddings

  2. You’ve been in business for a few years and your skill level and years of experience deserve a higher rate

  3. You started out pricing too low and are now ready to charge more

  4. You moved to a different geographical area and competition/rates are higher

No matter the reason, looking the part is essential. A higher-paying client will expect a high-end experience both offline as well as online. This means a high-end brand, that exudes the quality people are expecting at a certain price point.

No one knows your business more than you do. It is your baby and you have worked hard to make it happen. If you are wondering if it’s the right time to rebrand and overhaul your brand identity, then it probably means you know something needs to change in order to grow!

When is the right time to rebrand your creative business - Magnolia Creative Studio

Ready to make some changes? Fill out the form below and let’s talk about your goals and what you are envisioning for your business!