Website Launch | Corey Johnson Photography — Branding and Web Design by Magnolia Creative Studio

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Website Launch | Corey Johnson Photography


I've been beyond blessed to work with both photographers and ladies from the wedding industry! It's so fun to be able to design, use platforms based on what the client is looking for, and create elements that attract their ideal clients while educating them. 

This time I had the pleasure to work with Corey Johnson and create a beautiful website that showcased her beautiful photography style. During our few weeks together, we worked to developed the necessary pages needed to create an experience for her clients. From the moment they land on her website, they can learn about her offerings, enjoy her portfolio, and even learn about what they can wear for their own photography session! 

Last but not least, we created a beautiful what to wear page, which is one of my favorite pages of this project. If you are a photographer, this page is ideal for those clients that need some visual examples of what to wear for their own sessions. We used a variety of photographs that ranged from baby and child sessions, to family sessions, as well as different color palettes.

For those curious, this website was developed with Showit5! Go and head over to Corey Johnson Photography to see it in action! 

Ready to revamp your own website? Then let's talk about your vision for your own business! Send me a message to talk more! 



Showit Website for Corey Johnson Photography - By Magnolia Creative Studio
About page - Website Design for Corey Johnson - by Magnolia Creative Studio
Corey Johnson Experience - Design by Magnolia Creative Studio
What to Wear page for Corey Johnson Photography - Built with Showit5 - By Magnolia Creative Studio